Šaranovičeva 21c Vir,
1230 Domžale, Slovenija

Pon in Pet: 9.00 – 12.00
Sreda: 13.00 – 17.00

Za obisk SPOT točke obvezno predhodno naročilo.


Podaljšan rok za prijavo na globalni podjetniški vrh v Haagu, Nizozemska do 22. marca 2019.


Podaljšan je rok za prijavo na globalni podjetniški vrh v Haagu, Nizozemska do 22. marca 2019.  Za slovenske podjetnike so mesta še na voljo.


If you’ve not yet applied to attend the June 4-5 Global Entrepreneurship Summit in The Hague, then you’re in luck!  The application deadline has been extended to March 22, so apply now!
If you are a Slovenian entrepreneur or start-up with investment-ready enterprises looking to scale internationally, GES 2019 is your opportunity to seek funding from investors, network with potential investors, and attend seminars with some of the world’s most innovative investors, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and government officials.


If you do plan to apply, please let the U.S. Embassy know via return email…we may be able to provide an endorsement that makes it more likely your application will be selected!
Co-hosted by the United States and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, approximately 2,000 individuals will attend the ninth annual GES 2019, including 1,200 entrepreneurs, 400 investors, and 400 thought leaders and government officials.  Slovenia has been well represented at past GES summits, and the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana hopes to continue this trend with a strong showing in 2019.  The GES promotes entrepreneurship and drives innovation by bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, policy makers, global brands, and thought leaders from around the world.  Since 2010, more than 20,000 emerging leaders have participated in GES summits, resulting in over $1 billion in new government and private capital funding to entrepreneurs worldwide.  During this year’s summit, which will focus on the health, energy, agriculture, water, and IT connectivity sectors, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to seek funding from investors and scale their businesses globally.  Over two days of dynamic seminars, pitch competitions, and matchmaking sessions, GES 2019 will showcase inspiring entrepreneurs, foster new collaborations and investment opportunities, and accelerate solutions to global challenges.


If you are interested in attending GES 2019, please submit your application prior to March 22 at https://www.ges2019nl.nl/application and notify the embassy of your interest (DoingBusinessinSlovenia@state.gov).  


Applicants will be selected through a competitive review process.  To apply, entrepreneurs must:

  • Be proficient in English;
  • Belong to the leadership team of an established business or social enterprise with proven funding, client base, or revenue stream;
  • Have an innovative solution in one of the GES 2019 focus sectors: 1) agriculture, 2) connectivity, 3) energy, 4) health, and 5) water.


If selected, GES will provide food and accommodations for three nights in The Hague, although attendees will be responsible for travel costs to and from The Hague and other related expenses.  Preference will be given to mature, investment-ready entrepreneurs who exhibit opportunities for growth, are ready to scale up, and have not attended GES events in the past.


If you or your company have a transformative tech solution and a market-ready business model, we hope you will submit your application to join other trailblazers at the 2019 Global Entrepreneurship Summit.  If you have any additional questions, please contact the U.S. Embassy at DoingBusinessinSlovenia@state.gov.


Projekt je sofinanciran s pomočjo Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj, Ministrstva za gospodarski razvoj ter SPIRIT Slovenija, javna agencija

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